Military Connected Families Information

military family banner

Ashland Elementary is committed to easing the transition of our military-connected students and their families. We understand that moving to a new area can be difficult, and we aim to help our families make this transition as smoothly as possible. With our close proximity to Quantico and Fort Belvoir, we are fortunate to serve many children of military personnel who have enrolled in our district.

Purple Star

Our school counselors, are available to guide you as you become part of the Ashland family. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any questions or if you need guidance.

Our School Counselors are:

Sarah Leclercq
Ashland School Counselor
[email protected]

Brad Hughes
Ashland School Counselor
[email protected]

Madison Winters
Part Time Counselor (T/TH)
Ashland School Counselor
[email protected]


Please call 703-583-8774 for questions and support.


Connect with our Ashland Facebook Group:
facebook logoAshland Military Families


Military Installation School Liaison Officer (SLO)

PWCS is serviced by both USAG Fort Belvoir and MCB Quantico:


PWCS Military-Connected Student Support



Email address

[email protected]

Planning Your Arrival to PWCS

1. Enrollment & Registration

2. Educational Records, Requests and Transfers

3. PWCS Advanced Academic Programs

4. Interstate Compact Act


Ashland Reading

Mrs. Watt is the reading specialists at Ashland Elementary. As a reading specialist, she supports classroom teachers with their literacy instruction by providing resources and helping in the classrooms. She also provides additional support to students identified as at-risk readers through the RTI model. She also oversees the PALs tutors who provide reading support in small groups to students.The reading support provided can be an additional reading group or work on skills based on students' individual needs in the areas of: fluency, phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and comprehension.She uses specific research-based interventions including: My Sidewalks, LLI, and SRA. Most importantly, her job is to help students become successful readers and develop a love for reading!

Ashland English Learner Program and Services

Cyrene Reyes is the ELL specialist at Ashland Elementary. At Ashland we provide a program of language instruction in a supportive settings so that ELs (English Learners) attain proficiency in English and meet the same challenging academic content and student achievement standards as other students.

Ashland Gifted

Katie Dupuis is the Gifted Teacher at Ashland Elementary. PWCS honors the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. By the terms of the Compact, PWCS has an obligation to provide like services for children of active duty military parents new to the division who have documented evidence of receiving gifted services in their prior school system. The student's identification and need for services is honored until a determination is made for identification and placement in the PWCS system. These students should receive services during the IDP (identification) process until they are found eligible or not eligible for services specific to PWCS.

The is based on Article V of Virginia regulation 22.1-360 through 22.1-361. Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children:
B. Educational program placement. The receiving stat school shall initially honor placement of the student in educational programs based on current educational assessments conducted at the school in the sending state or participation/placement in like programs in the sending state. Such programs include, but are not limited to, (i) gifted and talented programs and (ii) English as a second language (ESL) programs. This does not preclude the school in the receiving state from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement of the students.

Deployment or PCSing?
Please contact Sarah Leclercq or Kristin Keskel if you or an immediate family member are deployed, have an upcoming deployment or are PCSing. Operation Hometown Heros is a special program at Ashland that allows students to create a care package to loved ones who are away. We understand that deployments are difficult for not only the children but for the family member who is away from home. These care packages allow students to still connect with their loved one while their away and for family members to feel connected to their child's educational  experience.


5. Special Needs Navigation

6. PTO, Extracurriculars and Community Supports

  • Ashland PTO Links
  • Ashland Social Media Resources
  • PWCS Direct Links

Additional Resources


Military Child Education Coalition - MCEC

Military Child Education Coalition: is a global, non-profit organization that focuses on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. It also has an electronic program SchoolQuest that will help families create an electronic "education binder".


military one source

Military OneSource: has a wealth of advice and information and a wide variety of services, programs, partnerships, and opportunities that are available to military personnel and their families. Two particularly helpful articles include Parenting & Children or For Military Youth and Teens.


Public Service Degrees

Support and Solutions for Children of Military Personnel: Helps military connected families discover unique and useful solutions, and take away valuable resources for helping military children cope and thrive through transitions.


The Exceptional Family Member Program: for Families with Special Needs: When your family member has special needs, you have an extra roster of must-do's. The Exceptional Family Member Program, EFMP, offers many services for military families. Here are just a few ways it can help guide you to the resources your family needs to thrive.


Partners in Promise: Advocacy and education organization that is focused specifically on military families with special needs children.



PEATC logo

PEATC: State of Virginia Parent Education and Training Center, has resources for educators and families regarding special education.



THRIVE Parenting Resources: Free parenting resources and learning modules.



National Military Family Association: a national nonprofit focused on many facets of military family support. Offers scholarships as well as camps.


blue star families

Blue Star Families: a national non-profit with a local chapter in the DMV area offering support and resources to military families.


USO - Metro: Physical locations all over DMV but notably on Quantico and Fort Belvoir. Sign up for emails to learn about workshops, free even tickets, crafts, family activities and more.


Our Military Kids: has extracurricular scholarships specifically for Guard & Reserve children.


Online Tutoring and Homework Help for Military (currently also includes DoD Civilians): free online, on-demand tutoring for military families - service member, spouse and children.


United Through Reading: families can read together even if the service member is deployed.

Military Family Books: great place to buy military specific books.


Military Kids Connect: Defense Health Agency sponsored and moderated forum where military kids can connect with other kids, watch videos about going through various challenges, etc.


Comfort Crew Kits: free kits that address deployment, grief, transition, and more. Resources for students and parents that can be ordered directly by military families.